How To Make The Best Classic Homemade Eggnog (2024)

Classic, creamy, and old-fashioned, this non-alcoholichomemadeeggnog recipe tastes better than any grocerystore-bought eggnog you’ll findand will impress your friends and family throughout the fall and holiday season! The original recipe is non-alcoholic, but there are also instructions on how to make an adults-only homemadeversion!

How To Make The Best Classic Homemade Eggnog (1)

As I walk through the grocery stores during the holiday season, I am always struck by how much eggnog I see on the shelves. Carton after carton of this thick, creamy drink that people associate with the holidays.

Afterall, nothing says ‘the holiday season’ more than a glass of rich and creamy old-fashioned eggnog while you hang out with friends or sit by the crackling fire!

Unfortunately, when I look at the ingredients on all those store-bought cartons, it seems like all I see are preservatives. That led me to spend quite a bit of time developing my own homemade eggnog recipe.

I wanted something that used simple ingredients – without unnecessary preservatives – and would be easy to customize to your own preferences. I gotta say…I think I nailed it.

Plus, store-bought versions taste ONLY OK, but once you taste my homemade non-alcoholic eggnog recipe, you’ll never buy it from the store again!

Seriously, this wonderful recipe is THAT good.

Pull up a chair, eggnog fans, and let’s make a classic, old-fashioned, creamy, one-pan treat. Have a few copies of this non-alcoholic eggnog recipe on hand to share, because the whole family (and all your friends) will ask you for it. 😂

How To Make The Best Classic Homemade Eggnog (2)

What is Eggnog?

It’s a thick drink that’s a mixture of beaten egg yolks, cream, and spices and is served chilled. While it tastes delicious without alcohol, it can include alcohol to make it boozy (adults-only version, that is!).

This holiday favorite is rich, creamy, smooth, and…well, egg-y. And it’s definitely one of those drinks that people either love or hate. Rarely do you find someone who is ambivalent about nog.

We have some very dedicated eggnog drinkers in my family!

How To Make The Best Classic Homemade Eggnog (3)

How Do You Make Homemade Eggnog?

If you’ve always purchased eggnog, you’re probably asking yourself “how is eggnog made?” Believe me…it’s way easier than you may think!

Store-bought versions are non-alcoholic, super thick, and (worse) only mildly spiced. They also contain a lot of additives and preservatives to create that thick texture and ensure long shelf life. Bleh – no, thank you!

In other words, the commercial eggnog is just OK and will work in a real pinch.

But you can do better than that (and it’s easy). 😉

Essentially, you’ll make this perfect holiday drink and then adjust that if you want to make an adults-only version!

How To Make The Best Classic Homemade Eggnog (4)

Make Your Own Homemade Eggnog Right At Home

I always feel that simple is better. Making things from scratch is almost always healthier, cheaper, and tastes way better because it’s fresher. Plus, you can flavor it exactly how you prefer (more cinnamon? no problem!).

That said, when I find products I can make myself that don’t take a lot of time and produce a healthier product, then I’mALL in!

This recipe is a perfect example. 🙂 As are our Homemade Hot Chocolate and Peppermint Bark recipes!

Admittedly, I always thought with its depth of flavor, that eggnog had to be complicated to make, so I never tried. Oh, how wrong I was!

Searching online for recipes will give youtons of recipes. Remember…for me to make it, it has to be easy AND delicious!

How To Make The Best Classic Homemade Eggnog (5)

Homemade Eggnog Recipe Ingredients

Classic, traditional eggnog is made with raw eggs. And alcohol. Not exactly family-friendly, right?

(just in case you do want a boozy batch or two, check out my note below for making spiked eggnog)

Here’s what you need to gather – check below to see how each ingredient contributes to this recipe:

NOTE: for more recipe details, check out the handy printable recipe card at the bottom of the post!

Cinnamon and Nutmeg

Is there a hint of nutmeg in eggnog? Yep (it’s sooooo good)! Like cinnamon, it’s one of the cozy warm spices that give this recipe such an amazing flavor.

If you really love nutmeg, then I highly suggest buying whole fresh nutmeg and grinding it yourself. So much more wonderful nutmeg flavor than store-bought ground nutmeg – yum!

You could do the same thing with the cinnamon – grind a cinnamon stick instead of use store-bought ground cinnamon.


Room temperature fresh eggs are the driving force behind the thickness of eggnog. When you heat eggs in liquid and then cool them, they help the entire recipe thicken up. I use whole eggs – not egg whites when I make my traditional eggnog recipe.

NOTE: You have to be VERY careful when heating eggs.If you heat them too quickly or forget to stir them – EVEN FOR A MINUTE OR TWO– you can end up with scorched bits on the bottom of your pan or scrambled eggs in your eggnog.Neither one of those scenarios makes for a delicious, highly sought-after drink.

How To Make The Best Classic Homemade Eggnog (6)


If the eggs are the thickening agent, the whole milk and heavy cream are the creamy part of this homemade non-alcoholic eggnog recipe.

Just like with the eggs, however, it’s crucial to heat this drink slowly and stir constantly to keep it from scorching on the bottom of your pan.


Traditionally, you would use sugar in this drink. However, if you want to make a sugar-free version, I suggest replacing the sugar with Lakanto Monk Fruit sweetener at a 1:1 ratio

How To Make The Best Classic Homemade Eggnog (7)


There isn’t much salt in this recipe at all, but it’s important for adding another dimension to the overall flavor of the non-alcoholic eggnog recipe. Don’t leave it out – it makes a difference.

Vanilla Extract

Like salt, this is a flavor enhancer, and oh boy does it enhance the flavors in this homemade eggnog!


Alcohol acts as a preservative and a sterilizer so that it kills any salmonella (just in case you love the traditional version and are freaked out to learn it contains raw eggs).

I strongly prefer this non-alcoholic eggnog recipe to the traditional stuff for several reasons:

  • The thought of drinking raw eggs – I personally can’t stomach it. I Just. Can’t.
  • Plus, we are non-alcohol drinkers at my house.
  • And, finally, I want my kids to be able to partake but don’t want to give them a raw egg-filled, boozy drink.

If you love the rich, creamy taste of classic eggnog, but don’t like the idea of using raw eggs, this non-alcoholic eggnog recipe is for you!

How To Make The Best Classic Homemade Eggnog (8)

How To Make Homemade Eggnog

Just follow these simple steps and you’ll soon be enjoying a cup of creamy homemade eggnog!

Step 1

Combine eggs and sugar in a medium glass bowl and whisk until thoroughly combined.

Step 2

Transfer to a medium saucepan and stir in whole milk, ground cinnamon, and ground nutmeg.

Step 3

Heat milk and egg mixture over medium-low heat while stirring constantly with a whisk to prevent the milk from scorching or the eggs from scrambling. As the mixture heats up, it will thicken slightly.

IMPORTANT! It does a take a little patience – see more detailed notes about stirring below!

Step 4

When your eggnog mixture reaches 160 degrees on a candy thermometer, remove from heat and slowly whisk in the heavy whipping cream, salt, and vanilla extract.

Step 5

Cool slightly before tasting. Add more sugar or spices, if desired, before transferring to an airtight container.

Step 6

Refrigerate overnight or until thoroughly chilled. Mixture will continue to thicken as it cools.

Step 7

Enjoy! Serve your creamy eggnog in mugs and garnish with whipped cream, cinnamon sticks, a sprinkle of cinnamon, or a dash of nutmeg.

Tips For Making Homemade Eggnog

This recipe is very simple to make. But for anyone not familiar with cooking milk or eggs, there are a few small things to know.

Heat up Slowly

In this eggnog recipe, you need to SLOWLY (and I really mean slowly) heat the eggs to avoid scrambling, scorching, or curdling them. Even medium heat risks creating lumps you don’t want.

Stir Constantly

I’ve had several people who have told me that they’ve stirred constantly but end up with lumpy or chunky homemade eggnog. That’s definitely NOT the texture you want for eggnog, right?!

And I’ve had a couple of people who say that they stirred constantly and it took FOREVER for the eggnog to heat up – but they didn’t have lumps.

The point of stirring is to keep the milk on the bottom from scorching on the hot pan and the eggs from scrambling.

Here’s what I do with regards to stirring in exact detail and I’ve NEVER had lumpy eggnog with this recipe.

  • I put the mixture into my pan and let it start to heat up on its own. I’m not stirring it while it’s cold.
  • After 3-5 minutes, when I can feel that pan starting to heat up, that’s when I begin stirring.
  • I stir for a minute or two and pause for about 5-10 seconds. Then I repeat.
  • As my eggnog gets warmer, I reduce how much I pause. It’s closer to 5 seconds as it gets even hotter, and I don’t pause AT ALL when it’s really hot.
How To Make The Best Classic Homemade Eggnog (9)

I hesitate to say it’s ok to pause because some people will interpret that not as “give your arm a quick rest while your mixture heats up” but instead they’ll hear it as “it’s ok to change the laundry and come back to start stirring again.”

A BRIEF pause is ok. A “go change the laundry” kind of break will result in scrambled eggs, lumpy eggnog, or scorched milk. Yuk!

ALSO, I use a whisk as I stir. I don’t beat the mixture with my whisk, only stir as I would with a spoon. I just feel that using a whisk helps to break up any lumps that might try to form.

Automatic Pot Stirrers

I have had multiple readers who have problems with stirring for extended periods of time reach out and ask about automatic stirrers. I have never used one of these, but I’ve been doing some research and can (fairly) confidently recommend these.

ThisStirMATE automatic pot stirreris the cheaper option and seems to work pretty well. If you do a lot of cooking that involves constant stirring, consider trying out thisLAMPCOOK automatic pot stirrer and pot combo because everything was designed to go together!

Give it Time to Chill

Ok, here’s the thing: eggnog is one of those drinks that benefits from having time to settle. If you drink it right away, when it’s hot and very fresh, it will be delicious, I promise. (we can’t usually wait for it to cool down, so we often drink it right away)

However, if you can give it at least 2 hours (ideally about 5-6) to chill and let the flavors marry and intensify, well, then it’s phenomenal.

So with that in mind, if you can, make it the night before. Let it sit in the fridge until you are ready for it. I promise – the wait (and the suspense) will be worth it!

Now, I also know all too well how sometimes life can just get away from you, and suddenly it’s Friday afternoon and you have guests coming for dinner in an hour.

Well, in that case, just go for it. This non-alcoholic eggnog recipe is terrific enough to still shine in more-rushed situations.

How To Make The Best Classic Homemade Eggnog (10)

How To Make This Homemade Eggnog Recipe Boozy

If you would like to add alcohol, choose one with a high alcohol concentration to help counterbalance the sweetness of the eggnog. For an adults-only version of eggnog, I recommend adding some brandy, rum, bourbon, or whiskey to taste.

How To Make The Best Classic Homemade Eggnog (11)

Make This Non-Alcoholic Eggnog Recipe Yourself!

This recipe yields a drink that is thick, sweet, creamy, and smooth, with the perfect flavor! Remember, as is, it doesn’t contain alcohol, but you can always add some in if you want.

So go ahead, pour yourself a glass. Top it with some of my irresistible whipped cream, and some extra cinnamon and nutmeg. Then sit back and enjoy thistreat by the crackling fire! Or serve it to your guests during the holidays for a luscious treat along with some Mini Cheesecake Bites or Fruitcake Cookies!

Related Holiday Drinks:

  • Homemade Hot Mulled Cider
  • 3-Ingredient Grinch Punch

This is the best homemade eggnog, and it’s wonderfully delicious and easy to make! Impress your family and holiday guests by making your own this year!

Homemade Eggnog FAQs

Do you have questions about making this classic homemade eggnog recipe? Here are some answers to common questions I get from readers to make it easy to prepare delicious eggnog for your next holiday party!

How do I store leftover homemade eggnog?

Store leftovers (if you have any!) in an airtight container in the fridge. It will stay fresh for 2-3 days and possibly up to 5 days, although you’ll likely have quite a bit of separation by that point. You can simply stir it back up or give it a whirl with your electric mixer and reheat before enjoying it!

Is eggnog still made with raw eggs?

I do NOT recommend making eggnog with raw eggs because of food safety concerns due to the risk ofsalmonella. No, thank you! This recipe uses eggs to make the homemade eggnog thick and creamy, but they’re cooked. No risk of getting sick with this recipe!

Now, if you REALLY want to add raw eggs to your eggnog, please make sure to use pasteurized eggs.

What temperature kills salmonella in eggs?

Make sure your eggnog reaches 160 degrees Fahrenheit to ensure your homemade eggnog is safe for everyone to drink.

What kind of alcohol should I add to my eggnog?

If you want an adults-only creamy eggnog, I recommend adding some brandy, rum, bourbon, or whiskey to taste to your cup!

How To Make The Best Classic Homemade Eggnog (12)

Skip the store-bought versions of eggnog and enjoy a batch of this easy homemade non-alcoholic eggnog recipe this holiday season!

Check Out These Other Popular Posts

If you love this non-alcoholic eggnog recipe, don’t leave without checking out these other ideas too!

  • The Best Homemade Hot Chocolate Mix (From Scratch)
  • 15 Non-Traditional (But Delicious) Holiday Side Dishes
How To Make The Best Classic Homemade Eggnog (13)

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How To Make The Best Classic Homemade Eggnog (14)

How To Make The Best Classic Homemade Eggnog (15)

Homemade Non-Alcoholic Eggnog Recipe

Print Recipe

Eggs, cream, and spices combine to create this decadent, smooth, yet creamy homemade non-alcoholic eggnog. Enjoy a batch (or many) this holiday season!

Servings Prep Time
12 servings 5 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
25-30 minutes 6+ hours
Servings Prep Time
12 servings 5 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
25-30 minutes 6+ hours

How To Make The Best Classic Homemade Eggnog (16)

Homemade Non-Alcoholic Eggnog Recipe

Print Recipe

Eggs, cream, and spices combine to create this decadent, smooth, yet creamy homemade non-alcoholic eggnog. Enjoy a batch (or many) this holiday season!

Servings Prep Time
12 servings 5 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
25-30 minutes 6+ hours
Servings Prep Time
12 servings 5 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
25-30 minutes 6+ hours


  • 12 eggs
  • 1 1/4 cup sugar
  • 4 cup whole milk
  • 1 tsp ground nutmeg
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • pinch of salt
  • dash of cinnamon for topping

Servings: servings


  1. Combine eggs and sugar in a medium glass bowl and whisk until thoroughly combined.

  2. Transfer to a saucepan and stir in whole milk, ground cinnamon, and ground nutmeg.

  3. Heat egg mixture over medium-low heat while stirring constantly with a whisk (IMPORTANT! and it does a take a little patience - see notes about stirring) to prevent the milk from scorching or the eggs from scrambling. As the mixture heats up, it will thicken slightly.

  4. When mixture reaches 160 degrees on a candy thermometer, remove from heat and slowly whisk in the heavy whipping cream, salt, and vanilla extract.

  5. Cool slightly before tasting. Add more sugar or spices, if desired, before transferring to an airtight container.

  6. Mixture will continue to thicken as it cools.

  7. Refrigerate overnight or until thoroughly chilled.

  8. Serve in mugs and garnish with whipped cream, cinnamon sticks, or a dash of nutmeg.

Recipe Notes

  • If your eggnog is thicker than you prefer, simply thin it out by adding more whole milk. I recommend adding about 1/4 cup at a time until you reach your preferred thickness.
  • For an adults-only version of eggnog, add some brandy, rum, bourbon or whiskey to taste.
  • NOTE: this non-alcoholic eggnog recipe CAN separate. If it does, just throw it in the blender before serving for a quick pulse to mix it all up OR use an immersion blender to combine everything before serving if it separates.
  • It should be smooth. If it's not, what might have happened was that either the milk scorched or the eggs scrambled a bit. When heating the mixture, it's crucial to stir constantly so that both of those things don't happen. It's also easy to forget or get busy doing something else while you're waiting for it to heat up 🙂 When in doubt, stir!
  • ALTERNATIVE METHOD: If you have found your eggnog to be lumpy in the past, you can try this. While we've had mixed results with it, and it requires carefully tempering the eggs, it might work better for others. Cook the milk with the spices first then slowly pour it onto the eggs-sugar mixture while stirring constantly. Then put the entire mixture back in the saucepan and heat slowly until it reaches 160 degrees following the recipe.
  • To break up the lumps, try stirring with a whisk as you heat up the eggnog. If that doesn't work, you can try an immersion blender OR run your eggnog through a strainer/collander to pull the lumps out.

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How To Make The Best Classic Homemade Eggnog (2024)


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