Persimmon Pear Caprese Toast (2024)

by Joy the Baker 90 Comments

I’m not much for keeping secrets, so let me just go ahead and tell you all about your Christmas present now. I got you a few things: a giant,two-year-old orange cat names Jules Cat Stevens, and a half bottle of rum (I used the first half on this cider). Truth is, I haven’t done a stitch of holiday shopping. It seems like every time I try to shop for you, I end up buying myself a scarf from H&M and calling it a day. Other truth is, I’m the worst.

I’ve been spending more time taking pictures of basil than I have shopping for gifts/scarves.

Ok Ok… It looks like you’re going to get slightly worn H&M scarf for the holidays. I think you’ll like it. I do… that’s why I bought it. Yes, I am, in fact, the worst. I mentioned that earlier.

My only saving grace is that, along with your poorly wrapped, newly hand-me-down scarf, I’ll also bring along a mega-treat like these Persimmon and Pear Caprese Toasts. This creation sort of makes me feel like an appetizer hero, and I’m hoping is saves me from my gifting disasters. Please and thank you.

Let’s talk about the layers of this assembly!

I started with Fuyu persimmons. These are the short, squat, firm persimmons. They’re sweet and apple-like. Think of what might happen if you smashed together an apple and a mango (minus the pit) during an October sunset. This is that.

Red Bartlett pears are an important addition. Firm is better than soft for these toasts. We need pears to have body and keep body (totally my personal life motto).

To surround our precious fruits we’ll add olive oil toasted baguette slices, fresh basil leaves, and beautiful fresh mozzarella.

I love everything that’s happening here.

Salt is essential. It brings out every single subtle flavor in these persimmon toast bites.

I love combining salt with sweet elements. The way the salt brings out the taste of the fresh mozzarella is one thing, but when combined with the sweet persimmon and pear… it’s just everything ever. Savory sweet great!

This is a winter play on a traditionally summer and tomato situation. I’ll always find an excuse to put fresh mozzarella in my face, and this dish is elevated and divine. Because there are so few ingredients, every element is important. Bread is toasted in a generous amount of good olive oil. Pears are firm and sweet. Persimmons show off their distinctly autumn appeal in thick slices atop the pears. Fresh basil is fragrant and familiar. Cheese… ooooh! Lastly, coarse sea salt, fresh cracked back pepper, and a balsamic vinegar glaze make everything feel proper and thoughtful (unlike my lackluster Christmas gift offerings… I’m sorry for those in advance).

Persimmon Pear Caprese

Print this Recipe!

Fuyu persimmon (these are the short, squat firm persimmon), sliced

firm red Bartlett pear, sliced

fresh basil

fresh mozzarella (bite-sized or larger balls that you have to slice)

fresh baguette (sliced)

olive oil

coarsely ground sea salt

fresh cracked black pepper

balsamic vinegar glaze

These are more assembly instructions than they are recipe tasks.

In a medium saute pan over medium heat, warm olive oil. Add baguette slices and brown bread on each side. Remove from the pan.

Top each bread slice with a slice of pear, a slice of persimmon, a fresh basil leaf, and mozzarella. Drizzle with balsamic glaze and sprinkle with sea salt and fresh cracked pepper. Serve!

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I Made This


  1. Stephanie

    This is great! I despise tomatoes and this makes a lovely alternative.


  2. Liz

    I made these tonight for dinner. They are lovely. I stood in the kitchen and ate them off my cutting board along with a glass of wine. The holidays have me stressin.


  3. Cookie and Kate

    I’ve been super lazy on the holiday shopping front, too. I just got acquainted with persimmons this winter and your toasts look like the perfect way to enjoy them.


  4. Charissa

    “Think of what might happen if you smashed together an apple and a mango (minus the pit) during an October sunset. This is that.”

    Thanks for that ;).


  5. Amelia

    ER-MAH-GERD. I want to live inside this post. Those are a few of my favorite things presented beautifully together.


  6. Lady Jennie

    My grandmother grew up in IN and made a mean persimmon pudding – hers were too sour to eat raw. I remember when I lived in Asia and tasted a fresh persimmon for the first time – I was amazed at how good! And the ones here in France are calling my name but I have yet to by one. This is the perfect excuse. :-)

    PS Happy holidays to you and your H&M scarves!


  7. Diana

    Hi Joy. Quick question: what would be a great substitute to the balsamic vinegar in this recipe? (I seriously cannot handle anything with balsamic vinegar… I’ve given it a chance, I swear… but my taste buds just no likey!)
    Thank you!


  8. Melissa

    This is another reason…I heart Joy the Baker…thank you!


  9. Elise

    Oh my god, I freakin love you.
    I just realized how much I love persimmons… Never been a huge fan, and all of a sudden– they’re DELICIOUS! THIS is a fantastic way to serve them, maybe I’ll use this recipe to WOW my family or coworkers during the holidays :)
    Keep being awesome, Joy!


  10. Becky @ Olives n Wine

    With food like this, who needs gifts? You can keep your H&M scarf (although I’m sure I would love it!) and just drop this off at my house ;) I hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season!


  11. Sarah Kyle

    These look spectacular!


  12. kphmph

    seems good :P


  13. Cat

    Oh man, Joy!
    You are NOT alone on that H&M scarf sitch. I literally just did that yesterday! We are in the same boat you and I, so let’s eat these crazy good persimmon caprese toasts and haphazardly wrap last minute gifts?


  14. Mia {Blissful Chicks Wellness}

    This looks so yummy!! I’ve never tasted pear and persimmon together but it sounds so heavenly paired with the mozzarella cheese. Christmas is saved! lol


  15. Chineka (savorthebaking)

    This is a tasty combination with all of the flavors. These would be great as appetizers at a holiday party.


  16. Liz @YUM at first bite

    I’ve been receiving bags of Persimmons from my CSA and have had NO IDEA what to do with them. This is a fantastic recipe!! I’ll be bringing them next Thursday to my Mommy get together.


  17. Seanna Lea

    Persimmons have to be available locally, but I’ve not gone out of my way to look for them. I’ll have to look for them and make this for Sunday. A light dinner to make up for the vast quantity of sweets I’ve had this week.


  18. ATasteOfMadness

    Don’t worry, this would be the only Christmas gift that I would want. I LOVE persimmons. I have only ever discovered them last year, and I can’t get enough


  19. sandra

    and i totally have eaten the whole plate of my own party offering. it just happens that way sometimes.


  20. sandra

    Wow these look amazing. i’ve had a hard time finding the fuyu persimmons. For some reason the pear shaped hachiya are everywhere but nary a fuyu… Ah well, I will keep looking.


  21. Amy

    Can we be friends? You can give me food for Christmas (no slightly worn, badly wrapped scarf needed) and I’ll give you a bottle of bourbon.


  22. Tina

    What a beautiful and festive looking treat!


  23. lapiubelladitutte

    I am sure you will make a lot of people so happy by cooking, that they will forget the gifts!


  24. Jim

    Lemme see, I’m going to have both sides of each persimmon and pear left. too small for the best assembly. what the heck am i going to…ahhhh, got it! Yummy! Brilliant, Joy. You triumph again. Thanks


  25. Maggie

    These look so amazing – you totally win at appetizers


  26. Pauline

    I love persimmon. It goes with anything, or is just fine as a snack on its own. I just ate one tonight with vanilla ice cream, so good. Your toasts remind me of eggs Benedict. The mozzarella balls look like poached eggs. Actually, I bet a persimmon eggs Benedict would be pretty tasty too.

    Pretty images and great idea, thanks for sharing!


  27. anna

    this post is making me feel confusing things. i want it so, so badly! but where am i going to find fresh, ripe persimmons? i can only ever find the hard, unripe ones! what to do what to do what to do!


  28. JK Scaglione

    Wow, Joy, look at all these comments!

    I too am moved to say, “these look really good” and I’m kinda chicken to eat persimmons “raw”. I’ve made cookies out of them when I lived in Chico, CA but I love all the ingredients in these so, will give them a go.
    And….how exactly do you bite these things???? <3


  29. Sarah

    I love anything that comes topped with milky mozarella and stick balsamic. Come to mama.


  30. Briella

    Yumyumyum. I love persimmons.

    Briella, Denver IT Consulting


  31. Mirtha

    kid you not, I was taking a bite out of my persimmon just as I clicked on your blog link. thank you for such a divine recipe! oh, and I went to Macy’s and bought not one single present… I did get myself a couple of lovely sweaters…


  32. Emma

    I went Christmas shopping last week. Came home with necklaces, earrings and a cool ring…..all for myself. Gave up on everyone’s presents and went home. I totally dig it. We really should start a self-help group…..


  33. The Life of Clare

    These look fantastic! I’ve always done this with tomato but this is a wonderful take on it. Good luck with your Christmas shopping.


  34. The Life of Clare

    These look fantastic! I’ve always done this with tomato but this is a wonderful take on it. Good luck with your Christmas shopping.


  35. Katie @ Blonde Ambition

    i just finished buying gifts for one person on my list. ONE. it’s so overwhelming.

    i love your winter version of caprese! so lovely!


  36. Ashley @ Wishes and Dishes

    Taking pictures of basil is wayyy more important :)
    Christmas shopping is so much pressure! Why does it have to be like that?! It seem so silly and unnecessary


  37. Ahu

    This is brilliant. Love persimmon.


  38. Mary

    I am a terrible Christmas shopper… it’s too much pressure! Sometimes, I just make donations to charities in my people’s names (I try to pick something they like to support) or I give them Kiva gift cards and call it a day. Support a good cause, avoid the mall, and give people something they can’t complain about without looking mean? Winning.


  39. Byn

    ahh, the winter version of your peach + tomato crostini!


    • joythebaker



  40. Maggie @ A Bitchin' Kitchen

    I’ve never had a persimmon, but add fresh mozzarella to anything and I’m game!


  41. jodye @ chocolate and chou fleur

    What a wonderful idea, and your photographs are just beautiful! I love pears, and I’ve had many a dried persimmon, but never fresh (though they do seem to be appearing in my local market). I’ll have to grab a few to test them out!


  42. Jamie @ green beans & grapefruit

    I’m a persimmon fiend this time of year- they’re so delicious. I guess key here is getting bread that’s not too chewy so caprese isn’t all over your face. Not that that’s totally a bad thing.


  43. Erin @ The Speckled Palate

    You’ve just made me feel a MILLION times better for not being the only one who has struggled with Christmas shopping. Because, like you, I’ve found lots of things for myself and then called it a day most days. Hmm.

    This toast looks delightful! Cannot wait to try it! Keep up the great work, Joy!


  44. MJ

    OK, although the appetizer looks soooo tempting – I am way loving the photos (they are bomb all the time) but I adore the subtle spots of light creeping in on the “ingredient shot” and the basil looks like it’s floating – What? :) From one photo geek to another – you killed it!


  45. Cheryl

    Sounds delightful . . . !!!


  46. Sally

    Hi Joy,
    Your photo of basil was worth the effort of not Christmas shopping. It is beautifully composed……….. like falling in a light green sky.


    • MJ

      I know right? Very cool :)


  47. Lydia


    It was so nice to meet you in Boston. Happy Holidays!

    – Lydia


  48. Alanna @

    These look absolutely scrumptious!
    Also, just wanted to say that I made your orange-cranberry coffee cake the other day for my family, and it was completely divine. Thanks for the great recipes!


  49. Jayne

    This original creation of yours is so perfect. Never thought of using persimmons like tomatoes. They have almost the same texture, don’t they?


  50. Sarah LoCascio

    I’m sure Im the millionth person to say this but….I cannot even tell you how much your posts brighten my day, the way you write is phenomenal and always leaves me smiling, if not laughing out loud. Your gorgeous, intense photos paired with your comedic writings is golden. You really do have a gift.


    • joythebaker

      thank you for the kindness, Sarah!


  51. Bakerkat

    I’ve been studying my copy of the Joy The Baker cookbook for Christmas ideas. I’ll be having a lot of fun and my family will have yummy treats because of you.


    • joythebaker

      this makes my day!


  52. Marlena

    these are totally beautiful! I don’t even know if i can get persimmons, but i’m sure going to try now.


  53. Lys

    Hi Joy, do these persimmons need to be super soft to be used (like the hachiya)? Or can they be used right after buying from the super market?


  54. Sarah H B

    Your posts have been awesome this month….and seem to find me when I am down in the dumps over the holidays, or other things. I especially love this post with the bright colors and beautiful edibles. I think anyone would be happy to get some sort of food treat from you instead of christmas gifts!


  55. The slow pace

    This Christmas my guests are going to love you!


  56. leaf (the indolent cook)

    I enjoy the juxtaposition of sweet and savoury too. This looks like such a bright and cheery snack!


  57. Carina @ Carina's Cakes

    these look so delicious! i love mozzarella. it also seems to be light and summer-y ;)


  58. this is lemonade

    Since you let the secret out about the scarf, you might as well post a photo of it too. I won’t keep a secret about whether or not I like it enough to accept it newly handed down, then you might even not have to give it to me. Unlikely though. Sounds like me shopping. I’ve been saying I need to go shopping – my wardrobe was in need of help, 10 years ago. I love scarves (except from F21 where they crumbled/crumpled as soon as I put them in the wash). I tell myself they are for accessorising and update my wardrobe lol.
    More time to cook and photograph and do other things, like ogle lovely looking creations with beautiful persimmons and basil in a chilly frosty London:) Thanks for the ray of sunshine!


  59. Margherita

    Persimmon…I hadn’t had one in ages. You have inspired me, I’m gonna get me some later today!


  60. Rachel

    I am the absolute worst at leaving Christmas shopping til the last moment. Working in retail should mean you don’t become someone you hate buuuuuuttt whatever.
    I crazily decided to make my boyfriend a bar cart and throw a pre Christmas Christmas dinner, now overwhelmed does not even describe where I’m at right now.
    Clinging to your every word for Christmas inspiration, so thanks for all of your posts this week. #lifesaver


  61. Kathryn

    This is so very lovely – the colours and the flavours are just beautiful and like a ray of Californian sunshine : )


  62. Averie @ Averie Cooks

    Joy I love love love persimmon! I’m traveling but before I left San Diego for my trip, Ralph’s had them on sale and I was buying them like a maniac because they’re just so good!

    And I love caprese salads and this is the best kind of caprese idea ever!

    And I could also drink my weight in balsamic glaze or reduction. Love it!


  63. Stephanie

    SO into persimmons right now. This looks so totes maj!!


  64. Laura (Tutti Dolci)

    so in love! especially since you added that balsamic glaze….heaven!


  65. Sara P

    Hi Joy!
    I have been following your blog for some time now, but was too shy to leave a comment….I hate christmas/chanukah shopping too, i just end up buying things for myself ;)
    these look delish, my mother is going to love these as appetizers!!!



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  6. […] 4. Persimmon Pear Caprese Toast […]


  7. […] Persimmon Pear Caprese, Joy the […]


  8. […] Speaking of persimmons, this Pear and Persimmon Caprese Toast I made last year is a total […]


  9. […] Speaking of persimmons, this Pear and Persimmon Caprese Toast I made last year is a total […]


  10. […] which has a deep autumn vibe, you can work some serious magic! Joy the Baker recently shared thisPersimmon Pear Caprese Toast recipe and I thought – perfect, the fall dish I’ve been waiting for. Check out the […]


  11. […] have also made Persimmon Caprese before. Just remove tomato and insert persimmon. Here is a wonderful […]


  12. […] See original recipehere […]


  13. […] Persimmon Pear Capresefrom Joy the Baker […]


  14. […] 2. Before Persimmons are out of season, I’ll be making a Persimmon Pear Caprese Toast […]


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Persimmon Pear Caprese Toast (2024)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.