SUPERMAN: 6 MORE Huge Reveals And Spoilers From The Latest DCU Set Photos (2024)


ItsNotForMeWahh -6/27/2024,1:17 PM

SUPERMAN: 6 MORE Huge Reveals And Spoilers From The Latest DCU Set Photos (2)

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Steel86 -6/27/2024,1:19 PM

Really, a full face mask or cowl is not the same as an domino mask. Its a pretty good way to hide your identity.

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SuperJefe -6/27/2024,1:22 PM

Battle Damaged Lex Luthor will definitely be an action figure.

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JFerguson -6/27/2024,1:26 PM

Bizarro/ultraman/ulysses really?

@James Gunn

SUPERMAN: 6 MORE Huge Reveals And Spoilers From The Latest DCU Set Photos (6)

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WruceBayne -6/27/2024,1:41 PM

@JFerguson - in all fairness we have no clue if “U chest Man” is a mashup of four characters or not. That’s just one “scoopers” take on it which could be wrong.
Remember, Blade was a period piece in which he was a 3rd rate character in his own movie. This same insider swore that’s what it was… until now.

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roboticJohnson -6/27/2024,2:20 PM

@JFerguson - that isn't confirmed though, it's just speculation

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Doomsday8888 -6/27/2024,1:27 PM

Man i truly hope that's not a sh*tty ass take on Ultraman...
Earth-3 has lotta potential, don't waste it ffs.

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RegularPoochie -6/27/2024,2:52 PM

@Doomsday8888 - this! This would be just a waste for very powerful villain who need his own film and starting to gathering the crime syndicate and then the battle with JL and CS just like some IW and EG type of thing in the long run.

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PaKent -6/27/2024,1:43 PM

c'mon Gunn, Give us the first look at Otis

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HermanM -6/27/2024,1:53 PM

Mikaela Hoover is a total babe.

And no one would suspect that Superman does anything other than be Superman at all times. Even if Clark looked similar to Superman, so do a dozen other people, why would Superman be Clark?

If Superman wore a mask it would be different since that obviously means he's hiding something, but going mask-less allows him to hide in plain sight basically, since no one sees an unmasked person and thinks they're hiding an alter ego.

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roboticJohnson -6/27/2024,2:22 PM

@HermanM - it's true, but at the same time clark is often surrounded by journalists who have come to know the face of superman pretty well over the years. Add to that the fact that clark kent seems to never be around when superman appears, and people would start to be suspicious

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HermanM -6/27/2024,2:32 PM

@roboticJohnson - Except that also doesn't happen since Superman has robot stand ins for him/Clark.

SUPERMAN: 6 MORE Huge Reveals And Spoilers From The Latest DCU Set Photos (15)

Why would Superman pretend to be Clark Kent?

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RegularPoochie -6/27/2024,2:54 PM

@HermanM - because just like in the comics🤷‍♂️

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HermanM -6/27/2024,2:58 PM

@RegularPoochie - yep

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roboticJohnson -6/28/2024,9:10 AM

@HermanM - but the robot stand-ins so far have only been a comics thing. They've never appeared in the live-action movies, and there's nothing pointing to them appearing in gunn's superman

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HermanM -6/28/2024,9:20 AM

@roboticJohnson - They could do it. They've done it in cartoons.

But realistically there's even actors who look alike that work in the same field that other actors know are not the same person, even if they look very similar. It is plausible.

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roboticJohnson -6/28/2024,2:06 PM

@HermanM - they could, but they aren't which means they have to find a way to make sure nobody recognizes clark kent as superman.

Of course there are people that look alike in the world, but clark being a reporter who often writes about superman's adventures would draw more attention than a guy who lives on the other side of the world and has nothing to do with metropolis, the city where superman is more active, or with superman himself. Out of all the look-alikes, he's surely the one who would be considered the most suspicious

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HermanM -6/28/2024,2:14 PM

@roboticJohnson - everyone at the Daily Planet and in Metropolis writes stories about Superman though.

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roboticJohnson -6/29/2024,11:07 AM

@HermanM - yeah, but he works with journalists that see superman's face everyday. The other people who write about superman don't look exactly like him

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HermanM -6/29/2024,11:53 AM

@roboticJohnson - so introduce another character who also does.

Again, why would Superman pretend to be Clark?

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roboticJohnson -6/29/2024,12:34 PM

@HermanM - that sounds like lazy writing, just putting another character that looks like him. plus that would narrow the suspects for superman's identity to 2 possible people, which isn't much anyway.
As for why superman would pretend to be clark, that's just the kind of question a journalist working at the daily planet would ask, if he suspected something. People wouldn't be like "Maybe superman has a secret identity, let's investigate clark", they'd be like "clark looks a lot like superman and is never there when he is around, let's see if there's more to this story"

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HermanM -6/29/2024,2:01 PM

@roboticJohnson - Except Clark has also been around when Superman is and he can't do any of the things that Superman can.

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roboticJohnson -6/29/2024,2:06 PM

@HermanM - Clark being around when superman is depends on the version and the medium, since we're talking about live-action movies it doesn't apply since it never happened in those. Clark not being able to do the things superman does isn't a valid excuse since he's trying to hide his identity, so if someone suspected him of being superman he wouldn't say "clark can't lift a car", he'd say "clark wouldn't lift a car so as to not give his identity away"

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HermanM -6/29/2024,2:16 PM

@roboticJohnson - Clark has also published stories of Superman's exploits in those films which also proves he's around when Superman is and has seen him in action before... he's just not always around when Superman is around with Lois.

Why would Superman do anything other than be Superman at all times, let alone pretend to be Clark?

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HermanM -6/29/2024,2:16 PM

@roboticJohnson - and Clark has shown up where Superman is in live action before, like the Lois & Clark show.

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roboticJohnson -6/29/2024,2:25 PM

@HermanM - not really though? simply because I write about someone doesn't mean I was there. Imagine someone going "clark, I suspect you are superman" and him replying "no I'm not because I wrote about superman". In fact, him knowing all about these superman adventures and always being there only raises more suspicions.

"Why would Superman do anything other than be Superman at all times, let alone pretend to be Clark?"

The point isn't why would superman do that and why someone would ask that, the point is that someone noticing that superman and clark are similar and other details would want to investigate, especially if he's a journalist

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roboticJohnson -6/29/2024,2:27 PM

@HermanM - haven't watched the lois & clark show, but still, the reasoning that clark and superman have been seen together only applies to that particular live-action version of the character. It doesn't apply to reeve, routh, cavill and most likely neither to corenswet

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HermanM -6/29/2024,3:05 PM

@roboticJohnson - the fact is the live action versions have had stand ins for Clark & Superman before, just not the movies (yet).

Clark writing about having seen Superman in person and even having pictures of the two together is also proof that they're not the same person, particularly since Clark doesn't have the reputation of being a liar, and Superman has never let on that he does anything aside from be Superman at all times.

The question you're asking is why would someone look similar to Superman...which is silly, as not only are there actors within the same film industry who look alike, but doubles who look alike within the same film as well but are not the same person.

SUPERMAN: 6 MORE Huge Reveals And Spoilers From The Latest DCU Set Photos (32)

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roboticJohnson -6/29/2024,6:25 PM

@HermanM - a picture of the 2 together, especially nowadays with photoshop and ai, is kinda useless as proof. There are 8 year olds who could probably send you a picture of superman making out with lincoln and honestly, I doubt that really did happen. And if superman doesn't have access to a stand-in, like in every movie until now, then he has to make clark way different than his superman persona.

And no, I'm not questioning that. If I watch a series with Emma mackey and after that a movie with margot robbie, I can live with the fact that the 2 look alike and differentiate them. But if tomorrow a woman with superpowers who looks a lot like margot robbie were to appear, and somehow the 2 were never seen together, then I'd start to be suspicious. In the same way, if clark kent was a fisherman who lived in Nepal I understand that not many people would think he was superman, but since he is a reporter who lives in metropolis, writes a lot about superman and has never been seen with him, the whole thing would give me some doubts. Also, the pic you used is kinda funny, I mean, two actresses with heavy makeup and mostly covered? You can't see their hair or body and their faces are covered in white, surely there are better pictures you can choose from

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roboticJohnson -6/29/2024,6:29 PM

@HermanM - one thing though: you say that no one would think superman does anything other than being superman all the time, but why would someone think that clark kent doesn't do anything else other than being clark kent?

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HermanM -6/29/2024,7:08 PM

@roboticJohnson - You'd think Margot Robbie had superpowers if a heroine showed up with powers that looked like her? Wouldn't it just be more plausible that they kind of looked alike rather than a celebrity moonlights as a superhero?

How many billionaires are there and yet not one has become Batman or Iron Man?

Why would Superman pretend to be someone other than Superman?

And why would Clark Kent be bulletproof? In his CK life, what has he ever done to prove he has powers?

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roboticJohnson -6/29/2024,7:27 PM

@HermanM - the margot robbie heroine was an example, but honestly, if a superhero somehow appeared today, wouldn't you think he had a secret identity?

I'm going to ignore the part about billionaires because it has nothing to do with what we are talking about.

You ask why superman would be someone other than superman: because he wants to have a moment when he can be calmly around people, maybe make friends, stuff like that? I mean, superman appeared one day in the dc universe and started saving people, but he had to have been someone prior to that. Did he live among humans unnoticed? What if he still does that? These are the kind of questions that a journalist in the dc universe would have

I'm not saying that clark did something to prove he has powers. Put yourself in the shoes of someone working at the daily planet: you see clark kent everyday, a nice but maybe clumsy man, who disappears at strange times, looks a lot like superman, writes a lot about his adventures, has never been seen with him and stuff like that. Would you really just say it must be a coincidence? When almost everyone at the daily planet has met superman at least once?

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HermanM -6/29/2024,9:07 PM

@roboticJohnson - If the superhero wore a mask, I would definitely think they had a secret identity.

If they didn't, unless they said something to indicate a private life, I'd just think they were that superhero all of the time, like the Fantastic Four or Iron Man in the MCU or Thor in the Ultimate Avengers comics.

Looking a little like Superman isn't enough to arouse suspicion, even if you work at the Daily Planet. And again, Superman has also been seen with Clark in the stories, and Clark has written of his encounters with Superman...why would he lie?

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roboticJohnson -6/29/2024,9:14 PM

@HermanM - it's not that he looks a little like him, he looks identical to superman period. And again, we're talking about the movies, clark and Superman have never been seen together in those.

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HermanM -6/29/2024,10:00 PM

@roboticJohnson - He doesn't look identical since he's got a different haircut and can contract his muscles as well as change his voice.

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newhire13 -6/27/2024,1:58 PM

Or he could just be Ulysses since they both have the black suit with the U on their chest.

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BrotherQStark -6/27/2024,2:12 PM

So does Rick Flag Sr. Not age or is this movie a period piece and set back in time. Or are they just going the CW route and grown ass adults have parents that are close to them in age. Because how is Rick Flag Jr. from The Suicide Squad his son?

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blackandyellow -6/27/2024,2:13 PM

I hope Gunn gives us a compassionate and hopeful Superman. That's the essence of the character.

SUPERMAN: 6 MORE Huge Reveals And Spoilers From The Latest DCU Set Photos (43)

SUPERMAN: 6 MORE Huge Reveals And Spoilers From The Latest DCU Set Photos (44)
SUPERMAN: 6 MORE Huge Reveals And Spoilers From The Latest DCU Set Photos (45)

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Spoken -6/27/2024,2:43 PM

@blackandyellow - Love those moments in the comics.

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RegularPoochie -6/27/2024,2:56 PM

@Spoken - same, to me they were the best part in those comics when they happened.

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SUPERMAN: 6 MORE Huge Reveals And Spoilers From The Latest DCU Set Photos (2024)


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